• GitHub Copilot – Has some ability to include codebase context beyond the current file, but it’s not super impressive.
  • Amazon CodeGuru - Amazon CodeGuru Security is a static application security testing (SAST) tool that combines machine learning (ML) and automated reasoning to identify vulnerabilities in your code, provide recommendations on how to fix the identified vulnerabilities, and track the status of the vulnerabilities until closure. Amazon CodeGuru Profiler helps developers find an application’s most expensive lines of code by helping them understand the runtime behavior of their applications, identify and remove code inefficiencies, improve performance, and significantly decrease compute costs.
  • Amazon CodeWhisperer – Unlike ChatGPT and GitHub Copilo, Amazon CodeWhisperer includes built-in functionality for finding and fixing security bugs as well as analyzing code itself wrote to find security issues.
  • Tabnine – Like Sourcegraph Cody, allows connecting your entire codebase for more detailed suggestions.
  • Sourcegraph Cody – Cody claims to take into account the entire codebase, to help unblock you when you’re jumping into new projects, trying to understand legacy code, or taking on tricky problems.
  • Kubiya - A LLM-powered Slack plug-in that can coordinate with all the lower-level DevOps tools (like Kubernetes, AWS, GitHub, etc.) in your environment to quickly perform actions right from Slack. However, users must still request these actions to be taken, so Kubiya doesn’t automate away these tasks but helps users accomplish more in a shorter time.
  • ChatGPT - ChatGPT assists in code implementation by providing coding solutions, explanations, and debugging assistance across various programming languages and technologies.
  • Feedly AI - Generative AI can aggregate and analyze vast quantities of data from diverse sources, including academic papers, industry reports, and news articles, providing a comprehensive overview of emerging patterns and developments. Generative AI can also distill complex information into concise summaries, making it easier for professionals to stay informed without sifting through extensive data. News aggregators like Feedly AI employ LLMs to select the most relevant content based on user-provided criteria.